Today is the Michigan primary, which is open to both Republican and Democratic voters, and Barbara Walters took a moment on The View today to urge the audience to pay attention to the results. This afforded Elisabeth Hasselbeck the opportunity to jump in and turn on one of her own! She has a bit of a problem with Rick Santorum, who she believes is “playing dirty politics,” because he is apparently “cold-calling Democrats and telling them to vote against Romney.”
Cold-calling voters on primary day seems like pretty normal candidate behavior to me, but perhaps I am desensitized to negative campaigning after what we’ve seen this year. And it’s interesting that Hasselbeck felt compelled to defend Romney from mean girl Santorum, given that Romney has come under fire for running an exceptionally negative campaign.
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I also thought Hasselbeck would be a much bigger Santorum fan, so it was interesting to see her turn on him. Perhaps she is anti-sweater vest? You can see her implore Santorum to “play it right” in the clip below, via ABC: